Friday, October 11, 2019

Ecology and Wildlife Risk Evaluation Analysis Essay

This analysis of case studies from Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the case study to predict the effects of pesticides on aquatic systems and the waterfowl that uses them. Comparing the two processes of these case studies, along with analysis of the assessments. Describing the case study on the effects of pesticides in aquatic ecosystem, the risk assessment correlated to observed field studies and evaluate the importance of this type of correlation in general for all risk assessment efforts. Breaking down the ecological and social values in the assessments. Try to establish a value for the components in each case and how the risk assessment was determined. The process of defining ecological value in Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) from section 19. 5 took an approach to take a structured process to break down the value of the different species that are located at LANL. This was done to ensure that all relevant valued resources was used to come up with the endpoints, and provide the proper documentation to form a structured that was based on the resources. This process known as the general assessment endpoints (GAE) helped eliminate data that was not needed and helped provide the means of having data that was needed to follow through with the assessment, along with the values for each potential ecosystem that is based on potential exposure to the environmental stressors. The comparison of the two assessments take a different approach as the endpoints are staggering in the LANL case as the amount of species possess many possibilities to establish the relevant value of the endpoints that are needed to complete the assessment. By utilizing just the values that the stakeholders suggested in case study Los Alamos National Laboratory, the assessors focused on the immediate values on certain species the all as a hole eliminated the possibility of the lesser values in the case study. The aquatic workgroups began their efforts by discussing the basic problem addressed in a pesticide risk assessment and then began defining the sources of uncertainty for assessing effects and exposure. This technique of probabilistic assessment has helped in the reanalysis of the case study of pesticides on aquatic systems. Allowing assessors to look closer at the issues at hand relating to the organisms. The case from chapter 22 is based on a case study on how pesticides affect the impact on ecology. This assessment took a term of probabilistic assessment, and broke down the probability of evaluating the potential of direct effects on the duck population. The time frame that the pesticides are used to reduce grasshopper population is around the same time that the ducks are breeding, rear young and lay eggs. This is the concern for the use of pesticides in these pothole regions across America and Canada. This case study provides a reanalysis of the wildlife in the pothole regions. The use of probabilistic methods is entered into the process to characterize variability’s and the uncertainties of the effects on aquatic macro invertebrates from the pesticides that are released to control agricultural pest control. The assessment shows in the data that the results of the analysis are a way to relate the uncertainties of mortality in the ecosystem. Along with the damage that is done with the food source for the ducks. The pesticides case study applied a different risk assessment framework and hypothesizes to improve the final analysis process to cover all the grounds and bring attention the uncertainties of the damage that is being inflicted onto the water fowl and ducklings that are in the region during the time of treatments. The exposure levels are at a high during the treatment process. Thus setting up a risk assessment frame work allows the assessor to take the uncertainties to another level to determine the effects on the contamination faze of the treatment time frame. A conceptual framework was developed that incorporated characteristics of chemicals, agricultural landscapes, and aquatic ecosystems that interact to influence exposure. From this framework, the workgroups designed a tiered system for the risk assessment process in which the assessment progresses from a deterministic assessment to probabilistic assessments of increasing complexity. Each tier includes several experimental and analytical options that reduce uncertainty and provide more complete descriptions of the aquatic environment (Environmental Proection Agency, 2012). The risk assessment was to use the field data to include the uncertainties that eliminates any more future concerns with affecting the species during this process, along with the reduction of the mortality rate among the ducklings. The breakdown of the uncertainties was used for predicting the magnitude and probabilities of adverse effects to non target aquatic and terrestrial species resulting from the introduction of pesticides into their environment the probabilistic analysis used in the assessment provides quantification towards the uncertainties in the risk estimate. The risk assessment of the complex exposure to the pesticides provides methods to estimate the probability and impacts resulting from exposure, in this approach. In al it sheds light on the case study that certain elements and processes need to be changed in all phases of general risk assessment. The ecological and social values of concern in the first case study Los Alamos National Laboratory is the different array of possibilities that are presented in the amount of species that are involved, establishing a structured assessment to eliminate the less valued resources. The process is used to establish the most valued resources to help in setting management goals and endpoints to complete the assessment. The ecological and social values of concern in the case study on pesticide contamination are that there are so many aspects on how to eliminate the less informative data to complete the case study. The social value is to combine the stakeholders concerns and incorporate assessment managers and assessors input to implement valued endpoints to reach a conclusion and game plan to eliminate the risk that are on hand. The social values of these cases, points to preserving the regions that are treated, eliminating the harm to all organisms in the ecosystem that is contaminated by the pesticides. The social values are that these regions house many species and food sources, this assessment breaks down the damage that is being done and the damages that are effecting the ducks in the region. The ponds are watersheds that protect the habitats of many organism, thus having a healthy environment is needed to produce a healthy ecosystem. The ecological view is to preserve the regions from harm, allowing the pesticides to be used in a manner that the organisms are not affected by them. The value of the ecological components in the Los Alamos National Laboratory case study would be the principle values the functional integrity, biodiversity, and the energy dynamics and nutrient contents. By doing so the strongest of the species are chosen to be valued endpoints, so positive results come from the assessment. The trade off would be instilling sensitive species that could be extinct with the decision to use as a value endpoint when they are too sensitive to give a positive result. The value of the ecological components in the effects of pesticides on aquatic systems is that the uncertainties of the valued resources are eliminated and evaluated to have the best valued endpoint to work with in the case study. The tradeoffs relating to the wildlife and development is that the species if not grasshoppers that are at risk then it is the ducks that are present during treatment process. The contamination will alter either one of these species value in the ecosystem. The risk assessment in these cases is determined by compiling the concerns of all parties involved and eliminating the less valued uncertainties, to have valued data to come up with goals to meet all of the concerns. Risk assessment is a process where scientific information is used to address potential environmental risks associated with pesticide use. Good regulatory decisions depend on documented scientific research, an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the specific risk assessment, and sound professional judgment in drawing conclusions from compiled data. Risk assessments should clearly identify pertinent facts and any assumptions deemed necessary to accurately evaluate the pesticide (Environmental Proection Agency, 2012). The probabilistic analysis process can be improved in the chapter 22 case study by more research of the effects on the organisms involved, along with going in another direction on controlling the grasshopper’s presence in these pothole regions. Doing a process of elimination of what harms of being caused by the toxin. The analysis can be altered to focus on the main risk factors and once those issues are addressed then one can run another assessment and conclusion as you eliminate even more sensitive data from the finale analyst. The conclusion to the analysis of the case study helps break the process of implementing different type of risk assessments for different issues on hand. The need to eliminate the more sensitive values and collection of data is the key to performing an assessment to help the environment. Finding the valued endpoints and compelling enough data to eliminate the more sensitive resources, to come up with a positive and accurate decision in the long run.

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