Sunday, November 3, 2019

See Below Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

See Below - Essay Example Criminals can come from any social and economic strata of society. A petty street thug and even a depraved corporate executive can commit any crime against his or her fellow citizen. Crimes of varying degrees are done with utter impunity against helpless innocent people. One must ask where is the law in all this? What happened to the safeguards and the legal forces meant to protect the citizens of society? Sure there are the police force and other law enforcement agencies that are meant to track down and arrest criminals, but they can only apprehend and imprison such problematic characters. It can also be said that the laws of the land wish to spare the lives of those who would brutally and callously destroy the lives of others. Since criminals destroy countless lives and livelihood, why should they be spared from the death penalty? Support for the Death Penalty Before going through the reasons for the death penalty, it should be taken into consideration on how the psychology of deat h plays a great deal here. It can be said that the average human being is very attached to life, and will generally value his or her own survival above all else. In the face of death, a person will do whatever it takes to stay alive. Between two dilemmas that would avoid death, most human beings would choose either the simplistic solution or the one that can be negotiated. However, this attachment to life hides one of the strongest natural fears of any sentient living organism, which is the fear of death. People are generally afraid to die. It is in the natural psychology of every sentient organism that survival means the avoidance of death or destruction. A human being is even more aware of the fear of death among any other creature in this planet due to the mental ability to rationalize, imagine and have a complex degree of emotions and sentiment. Adding to the fact that human beings developed culture and beliefs that have ties towards the fear of death, a criminal may no less be afraid of death as much as the innocent bystander. A criminal who faces imminent death would experience the same drive to survive as any other normal human being. In understanding that psychology around death, it could be put into perspective that the death penalty would be a very pragmatic and useful means to lessen crime. One could consider it as a strong form of deterrent against active and possible criminals. It would act as both a message and a weapon against criminal acts, and would also be a sign to the citizens that there are active measures being done to ensure public safety, peace and order. Many important people, and some civilizations, in human history saw the practical value of the death penalty. To maintain a peaceful society, it is sometimes considered useful to bring about the fear of death amongst the whole population. Although the idea of using fear could be seen as a questionable course of action, the results would more or less bring the realization of justice and security to society. The use of the death penalty was deemed necessary by many political thinkers and national leaders to make sure that everyone in society does not make cause harm to one another. A very ancient example would be the application of Hammurabi’s Code in the Babylonian civilization. Created by the sixth king of the Babylonian empire named Hammurabi, the Hammurabi Code are a set of laws

Friday, November 1, 2019

Firearms forensic Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Firearms forensic - Essay Example Evidence can come from diverse sources such as from genetic material or trace chemicals to dental history or fingerprints. Evidence can serve many functions in any investigation, such as to trace an illicit substance, to identify remains or to reconstruct a crime. NIJ funds research and development to improve how law enforcement gathers and uses evidence. It supports the enhancement and creation of tools and techniques to identify, collect, analyze, interpret and preserve evidence Following the partial police reports and crime scene sketches, I will adopt Crime scene forensic examination. This is because crime scene examination often document the crime scene. The investigators take photographs and physical measurements of the scene, identify and collect forensic evidence which in the sketches have been identified, and maintain the proper chain of custody of that evidence. Crime scene investigators collect evidence such as fingerprints, footprints, tire tracks, blood and other body fluids, hairs, fibers and fire debris. For instance form the sketches I Identified the victims and the positions of bod parts, the clothing, the jewelers, gold colored rings and pool of blood. Another reason as to why I will use crime scene forensic examination is because NIJ funds it to improve on blood identification and other  body fluids at the scene. The forensic team also has a responsibility of protecting crime scenes, preserving physical evidence and collecting and submitt ing the evidence for scientific examination. I think NIBIN would be useful in this case. This is because NIBIN Program applies the Integrated Ballistics Identification System to compare and contrast the images of ballistic evidence that are obtained from the crime scenes and the recovered firearms. NIBIN will assist because as new images will be being entered, the system will be searching the

Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Behavioural Problems and Emotional Disturbances in School Students Essay

Behavioural Problems and Emotional Disturbances in School Students - Essay Example Having even one student with psychological and /or behavioural difficulties means that there will be a breakdown in communications with all the ensuing problems that involves. According to Pravda ( 2000) the National Institute of Mental Health declared that they estimate that there are 12 million American school children with mental illness, and that there are approximately 4 % of American school children have either attention deficit disorder ( ADD) or ADHD - Attention Deficient Hyperactivity Disorder. Similar statistics will apply in other western countries. This means that on average there is one or more such child in every class. Kids Matter ( 2010) states that approximately half of all serious mental health condition shave their beginnings before adolescence. A child with a mental health problem can be defined as being someone with behaviour that is disturbing to themselves or to others and which affects their ability to function socially. In document 3 The American National Sur vey of Children and adolescents ( page 3 1997-2010) breaks down difficulties experienced into four groups. Some of these may seem to be purely physical difficulties , but these can present or add to mental health issues if they cause stress to the children concerned. :- (1) Neurological, as when a child is perhaps especially clumsy, ( dyspraxia) or has a mild degree of spasticity which affects his ability do such things as write clearly or who is frequently dropping things. These children find difficulties using both large and small muscles and could exclude themselves from play as it is just too difficult to catch balls etc. Teachers who are aware of their particular difficulties will be sympathetic to their needs and won’t for instance attempt to force them to undertake athletic tasks which are beyond their physical difficulties and will encourage them in what they can do. Simple things can help such as using special pens , or just winding tape round a normal one to give th em something larger to grip can help. Occupational therapists may be able to give positive advice and support. (2) Cognitive, as when a child is operating at an intellectual level below what might be expected for his chronological age. It is necessary to discover whether there is a particular problem which can be helped. Can the child hear and see clearly perhaps? Regular medical checks for all school children should pick up on such conditions. (3) Language, perhaps a refusal to engage with others. This could be due to depression, anxiety or autism among other possible reasons, including physical ones such as tongue tie or deafness. It can prove very difficult to teach children if they cannot engage and communicate. Teachers need to come up with strategies that encourage to participate, rather than just asking questions of whole classes to which only a proportion of children will respond. (4) Behaviour, e.g an inability to concentrate, or temper tantrums, swearing as in Touretteâ₠¬â„¢s Syndrome, or a constant seeking of attention. However individual children may have any combination of these problems, which the survey reveals are much more likely to be obvious in those in contact with social agencies. A child with autism to whatever degree for instance may have difficulties in understanding because of their difficulties in interpreting

Monday, October 28, 2019

Chinese Attitudes Toward Nature, Time, Good and Evil Essay Example for Free

Chinese Attitudes Toward Nature, Time, Good and Evil Essay As for the attitude of Chinese people toward nature, it is undisputed that it is marked by a strong feeling of harmony, for example, oneness of nature and man. According to Dong Zhongshu, who was the most important philosopher of the Western Han, Heaven had its will and purpose. It was Heaven that made the sun, the moon, and the stars move, the four seasons change, and all animals and plants grow and die. Heaven was kindhearted, so it made things produce one another; Heaven was also severe, so it made things overcome one another. Moreover, Heaven created a ruler to rule over the people. This meant that Heaven wanted the people to be ruled. When a ruler did something wrong, Heaven would be angry and would give the ruler warnings by causing strange natural phenomena to happen, such as eclipses, earthquakes, floods and droughts. This theory——the interaction between Heaven and man——had a clear purpose. On the one hand, it was intended to show that the ruler’s position and power were given to him by Heaven, and should not be questioned; on the other hand, the ruler should be virtuous and benevolent, and govern well, so as not to incur Heaven’s anger. Dong had a well-known saying: â€Å"The Way is great because it originates in Heaven. Heaven does not change; nor does the Way. † I would like to explain the idea clearly by an example. That is Feng Shui. Feng Shui (also known as geomancy) is an ancient Chinese system of aesthetics believed to use the laws of both Heaven (astronomy) and Earth (geography) to help one improve life by receiving positive qi. Maybe many people think it is superstition, but I consider it can reflect the pursuit of harmonious life of Chinese people. There are four purposes in Feng Shui, seeking the harmony of human body; the harmony between people and people; the harmony between people and society; the harmony between people and nature. Let me give a small example about placing a bed. The bed shall be slightly higher than the knee and not near the door. And it shall face to the south and back to the north in order to adjust duxhlt, the aorta and large veins direction of the blood circulatory system, so that people can fall a sleep easily, and have a high quality sleep. The bed can’t facet the west, because the rotation of the earth is from east to west, making the blood rush toward the head, and people can’t sleep soundly. Beam presses which mean air conditioners hang above the pillow, or the lights suspend above the bed, bring about oppression, and cause adverse effect of body and mind. Mirrors can’t face the bed, if not people may be startled easily in midnight, and can’t be peace. It really can express the attitude toward nature, uniting of heaven and humanity. As for the attitude of Chinese people toward time, three features will be mentioned about. The first is round- type time outlook. In the oriental world, farming is the major way of carrying out material and exchanging goods dominates all the economic life of the whole society. This pastoral civilization treats human and the nature as interrelated and interacted,the world as an integer organically linked. So in oriental society the round-type time outlook is that nature and human is integrate. This kind of time outlook holds the view that time is like a circle and all the things in the world return to its origina1 state after a cycle of time, for example, the alternation of day and night, the come and go of the four seasons,the turning of the twelve months, the increase of the age and the growing of plants. This kind of time view makes the Orientals handle the time at their disposal and do things at ease. For instance, when a teacher has not finished an important point in his class,he can prolong his class. At the Chinese wedding feast, few people will come at the time which is written on the invitation card. Moreover, Chinese use time very casually and intangibly. Chinese prefer to say some uncertain words 1ike â€Å"at once†, â€Å"sometimes†, â€Å"a short while†, which a1ways confuse the westerners. Chinese students who are studying English tend to misuse the tense when communicate with foreigners. In a word, Chinese don’t have clear differentiation concept of time. The second is polychromic time system. Polychromic time system means people are very casual in using time. In other words, being punctual is important, but not strict. Polychromic time system is the heritage of traditional agricultural society. People are used to do severa1 different things at the same time and do things emphasizing prime time. Chinese think that everything in the world develops with the cycling of time, so people catch the time that is ripe for acting, which means each step of our action is determined temporarily by our surroundings. So action is poorly planned by Chinese. In some occasions, people can do many things in the same time. A Chinese salesman can check out with the first customer on the one hand,and show the goods to a second one on the other hand, even greet a third One at the same time. However, westerners can hardly accomplish them and also can not accept them. The third is past time orientation. Time orientation is a relatively stable factor in cultural difference. It is connected to the historical background of the. Generally speaking, people who have too heavy tradition, look up to history and past, so their time orientation is past-oriented. Chinese belong to past-oriented. People show great respect to the past. The past experience and 1esson are important reference for today’s success and failure. Chinese show respect to ancestors and teachers. They like to say things by referencing to the old books and stories. That is why Chinese call teachers â€Å"lao shi†. â€Å"lao† means old. People attach importance to age and experience, because they are symbols of power and wisdom, so words like â€Å"lao† and â€Å"da† always mean respect in Chinese. As for the attitude of Chinese people toward good and evil, perhaps the most extreme view of goodness is found in the Buddhist tradition. Buddhism maintains that we are born pure and are closest to what is called â€Å"loving kindness† when we enter this world. Hence, people are good, and our culture is what makes us evil. The view of goodness is also found in Confucianism. Meng Zi made the original goodness of human nature the keynote to his system. To him, the virtue of humanity together with the accompanying virtues of righteousness, rites and wisdom arises from the inner springs of the human heart. These four cardinal virtues come in their seed form—the â€Å"four beginnings†, as the feeling of compassion, shame, modesty, and of the distinction between right and wrong. Such feelings are universal among mankind and they come as naturally ad taste for food, and sight for beauty. This, Meng Zi argued, can be seen in the fact that a child naturally loves his parents and that a man will instinctively experience a feeling into a well. Therefore, human nature is originally good, and will be good if it is guided by its innate feelings, just as water is inclined to flow downward. In contrast to the concept of the goodness of human nature advocated by Meng Zi, Xun Zi declared that human nature is originally evil because human desires inevitably lead to greed and strife if left untrained. Believing that goodness can only be acquired, Xun Zi stressed the value of education and environment. To him it is environment and authority that make the man, and it is obedience of the precepts of the sage-kings that produces the goodness that is in him. In the end, however, not only is the life of virtue a possibility but even sage-hood is within reach. Therefore, Xun Zi said, â€Å"Every man on the street can become like the sage-king Yu†, a perfect orthodox Confucian note. What mentioned about are viewpoints from the ancients. Nowadays Chinese attitudes toward good and evil are very wide and vague, not like Christianity which has a ten commandments, making the general public even those without much cultural literacy has some certain standards, ruling what can do and can not do, their attitudes toward good and evil are absolutely clear. But to Chinese, nothing must been done and nothing can not be done. The boundary between good and evil is obscure, in some condition something is good but in other condition it may be bad. To Chinese the boundary is always about degree, whether it is excessive or not. For example, talking between Chinese friends sometimes contains abusive language, but it doesn’t mean they hate each other, most of time, it is just joking. That behavior is not really evil, but if it is overdone, it will be. Chinese People’s attitude toward nature, time, good and evil have been formed gradually, and they are relatively stable in a long time, but they are not without changes. The better living conditions, the development of the economy, the improvement of the society and the increase of the interaction of people from different cu1tural backgrounds will undoubtedly have subtle effects on their views, although it is also a long process. What I talking about is some basic attitude of Chinese, it will help foreigner to understand Chinese better, but not always apply to every Chinese at every time.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

The Bubonic Plague: Crisis in Europe and Asia :: essays research papers

The Bubonic Plague: Crisis in Europe and Asia   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  There have been many natural disasters throughout history that have caused great damage physically, emotionally and mentally. The Bubonic Plague is considered by most to be the second worst disaster to have occurred throughout history. It all began in October 1348, when Genoese trading ships dropped anchor at the port of Messina, Sicily. The Ships had come from the Black Sea port of Kaffa (Truitt, 2001). The few of the crew members that were left alive carried with them a deadly disease so perilous that it would ultimately lead to death (Douglass, 1996). The sailors became infected when sick rats from Central Asia boarded their ships and the fleas that were feasting on the rats bit the sailors (Truitt, 2001). It was thought that the disease originated from the Far East and was spread along major trade routes. When it became clear that the ships from east carried the plague, Messina closed its port. The Ships were forced to seek harbor elsewhere around the Mediterr anean, which allowed the disease to spread very quickly (Truitt, 2001). This would be the beginning of a very traumatic event that would affect all aspects of European society.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The Bubonic Plague generated from a bacterium called Yersina pestis, which is a one-celled organism that multiplies rapidly once inside its host and produces three types of symptoms, depending on how it is spread (Aberth, 2000). The bacterium that leads to the Bubonic Plague usually is found in the bloodstream of wild black rats. It is then posed to humans by fleas that feed on the blood of rats and then bite humans, in which the bacterium is passed into the human bloodstream (Aberth, 2000). It takes between four and six days for a person infected with the Bubonic Plague to exhibit symptoms (Truitt, 2001). The most common symptom is swellings known as buboes (hence bubonic) that appear in the lymph glands near the initial flea bite (Douglass, 1996). The buboes are red at first, but later turn a dark purple or black they eventually bust open oozing blood and pus (Douglass, 1996). Other symptoms may include a high fever, often causing delirium, violent headaches, su bcutaneous bleeding, and damage to the nervous system caused from the bleeding, which leads to uncontrollable twitching and jerking (Aberth, 2000). There is also a foul odor that is associated with the excrement of blood, pus and sweat of those who are infected (Aberth, 2000).

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Romulus My Father Notes for Belonging

* Study Questions * * Chapter 1 * 1. Romulus has a crisis in identity. He feels he is accepted in society due to his skill in blacksmithing trade. Although accepted, he does not feel he belongs due to his culture and heritage. His character is tied up with a strong moral code, in working hard, pride, communal strength and contributing to society but has no confidence in identity and how he fits in. He â€Å"Always considered himself a Romanian. † And felt he belongs to that part of his heritage. He carried this culture through to Australia and keeps these character traits, which could be the reason he is separated socially.He is a religious man that takes education seriously and in the highest regards. He always knew poverty and hard work for the community rather than money, which is why he was able to work so hard as a blacksmith for no pay. This shows his strength of character and good work ethic. He felt attached to Europe and therefore detached from Australia. In retrospec t he was accepted by many people due to his hard work but still didn’t ‘belong’. * 2. Retrospective, hard working before and after school. Romulus prides himself on character.The luxury that he didn’t get his son now is able to enjoy. Also not having a childhood because he worked the whole time. Raimond was able to become a writer and enjoy more creative things in life. He had free time where as his father didn’t. His dad grew up with little money and had to work for all the money he needed where as Raimond didn’t have to work as much. Most importantly however, Raimond was able to enjoy a sense of belonging when he was growing up to his father and family. Romulus was unable to enjoy any real sense of belonging whilst growing up.Raymond would not have the same work ethic as his father; His dad thought that everything would revolve around his work. He worked before and after school. Romulus is a pragmatist or a practical man due to his job to g et things done. This is because of his lack of childhood he has no humor, etc. Raimond was not made to contribute to the family and community as much as his father. He doesn’t always need to work for money; he came from a communist country so he worked for community. Education was very important to him and becomes apparent through his child.He was a very strong, integrity, incorruptible, non-negotiable, religious and inflexible man. * 3. In ‘retrospect’ or hindsight Raimond is able to show his perspective contrasting to his fathers perspective. â€Å"Childhood as we know it† positions the reader to realize that childhood is a small time frame and many do not enjoy it such as his father. It makes people realize how hard times were back then. * 4. The use of past and present tense enables the author to show his perspective of things and relate things to present day situations. This also positions the reader to understand hindsight and retrospectively. 5. He was a working class opposed to middle class. This is because he is a blacksmith and works hard long hours to get money and gets by with minimalistic things. Romulus believes that she is snobbish and her activities such as going to the theatres were mistakenly snobby. Christine’s parents were able to accept him even though there was a distinct difference in class because of Romulus’ availability to clothes through the black-market. He was able to get food and clothes from the money he made. The money he earned allowed their relationship to be socially acceptable. * Chapter 2 * 6.The labels ‘immigrant’, ‘foreigner’ and ‘new Australian’ are used to set a tone of alienation. It creates a clear separation between the Australians and the â€Å"Bolts†. Romulus felt no anger or â€Å"no resentment or indignation, or any other response which depended on the assumption that he was owed something better. † He was able to reconc ile the terms above by having no negative feelings. He also held onto his â€Å"young dreams of a new life and so he saw his two years of bondage as a short interim,† * 7. (p. 13) Baringhup: hay day late 1800’s. Cheeses were famous won many prizes. Small town. 00 kids at school. Flourishing community and therefore belonging to community. 1950 became a ghost town. Rather sentimental, gaiter feels bad that the community has diminished. The juxtaposition between the two paragraphs of the heyday compared to the ghost town of 10 houses and convenience store. Camp swelled in gold rush. When they weren’t working, little to do. Movies on sat night and occasional dances hosted. Immigrants didn’t like the eucalyptus. * 8. The landscape became symbolic of Romulus’ sense of alienation because of the idea the Romulus feels like a stranger due to the environment.He doesn’t recognize the harsh and perceived blandness of the Australian scenery. He has a bur ning desire for the European atmosphere shown, â€Å"He longed for the generous and soft European foliage. † Romulus finds the gum trees, â€Å"Symbols of deprivation and barrenness† (p. 14) This shows him being alienated and feeling foreign due to the landscape and he feels that he would look â€Å"directly to the foliage and always turned away offended. † (p. 14) It is Romulus’ memories being based around the diverse and beautiful European environment that is one of the reasons he feels lost and separated in Australia. 9. Romulus establishes a sense of community in his new environment with the other Romanians, Hora and Mitru. â€Å"He asked the man who greeted any new arrivals whether there were any other Romanians. † In searching for them it shows his need to find a sense of belonging. â€Å"He sought them out and they became friends quickly,† depicts the idea that they all needed a companionship and somewhere to belong amongst the foreig n surroundings. This idea that it an essential part to the human spirit is demonstrated through the use of the concise phrasing and wording of this bonding.The lack of detail in this part shows that immediately they sorted out to find somewhere to belong and then after that was settled, other factors were now able to take place. This is reinforced by the principles of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs. It is through the searching for common people that Romulus shows his spiritual needs to belong and connect. * * Chapter 3 * 10. The landscape illustrates a feeling of belonging or alienation to a place. â€Å"A dead red gum stood only a hundred meters from the house and became for my mother a symbol of her desolation. This shows how the countryside invokes ideas of desolation and alienation into his mothers mind. The use of symbolism and irony of the Australian tree that is renowned for lasting through harsh conditions contrasting with Christine who has a mental breakdown and has to back away from many commitments and is viewed to have very little character and any sagaciousness towards going through a tough time. The peppercorns â€Å"were planted as though to mediate between local and European landscapes. † Shows that there is not only despondency with the outback but also a consciousness of belonging.These two quotes create a stark juxtaposition from the gum trees to the peppercorns, which reminded his father of home. This inkling is backed up with the description of Frogmore. The farm being a simple place with no electricity or running water, rats and snakes living under the house and 6-7 pounds for workers in the area creates the primitive existence. This contributes and reinforces the concept of isolation and desolation through surroundings. The use of the descriptive and almost poetic language emphasizes these points. Also Raimond retrospectively looks back at how his mother felt.These points demonstrate tensions between the desire to belong and alienation. * 11. Christine was always troubled and spoiled which lead to her suffering isolation. She stemmed to self-harm, then sort out reconciliation. She did this by looking for company or someone to belong to. She had an affair with Mitru, which didn’t last long. Due to her alienation, she felt deprived and overdosed on sleeping tablets. â€Å"She was alone, small, frail, walking with an uncertain gait and distracted air. † Shows how the separation has affected her. The use of visual imagery shows how small she is compared to the vast environment. †¦She appeared forsaken. † As though â€Å"†¦she had returned from the dead. † The use of Religious and biblical allusion create a mellow dramatic setting. People view her as a drama queen. Raimond writes the book in hindsight in a sorrowful manner. As though to give the reader the interpretation that he feels sorry for her and what she had to do. He tries to understand her feelings of isolation a nd seclusion. He tries to be sympathetic towards her in retrospect, even though at the time, she was widely considered pathetic. * 12. Romulus, as an immigrant from a European background, finds it hard to ‘fit in’ among Australians.This could be due to his character and strong moral codes, but also due to him just being different. Him being afraid of the snake, and â€Å"unused to the tinder-dry conditions† caused Romulus to set fire to a large proportion of the property. â€Å"My father was the focus of their hostile attention. † This goes to show that they do not accept him at this point in time and therefore does not belong to either the people or the environment. They all believe he is too different. This is juxtaposed with the change in shorter paragraph structure to emphasis the change in opinion.People â€Å"attributed his survival to my father’s prompt and sensible action. † This shows how he is not completely outcast and he does belo ng to certain parts of the society despite his differences and misunderstandings with some locals. * * Chapter 4 * 13. Hora’s connection with Romulus illustrates a deep sense of belonging and their combining for an enterprise. Hora however, does not respect Christine. There is a contrast between belonging with Hora and Romulus and his alienating attitude to Raimond’s mother. â€Å"He and Hora, together,† gives a hint of the bondage and belonging to one and other. They had quarreled and they quarreled,† deeply juxtaposes the idea of belonging and indicates a stark reality of separation and disconnection. â€Å"Heightened his impatience with my mother. † Shows that Hora has little respect for Christine. The constant argument between them also goes to show that he has such little respect for her. The emotive language used in â€Å"my mother was stricken with remorse,† helps to bring out the irony in the statement. The mother had not cared about her husband, was selfish, flirtatious with other men, exaggerated, had a false note and was incapable of sympathizing with another person yet she had â€Å"remorse†.We can see further disrespect through the use of prosaic and factual language: â€Å"Hora disliked her and did not respect her. † Also through the use of symbolism such as with the oranges, eggs and milk. They are symbols of looking after and a sense of responsibility, also the relationship tension between him and Christine. However a connection to Romulus and Raimond is shown through respect in contrast to disrespect with his mother. He goes to the effort to get oranges â€Å"each week he carried groceries, fruit and anything else we needed† p. 45 â€Å"my mother was unmoved by his efforts† p. 45.The eggs are a positive symbol of belonging, responsibilities from belonging, carrying the family, respect for Romulus and therefore belonging to family. It also is a symbol of livelihood. The milk s hows responsibility of wanting Raimond to eat right and again respecting Romulus’ ways. â€Å"Carried†¦in a heavy sack on his back† symbolizes him carrying the weight and responsibility of belonging to the family on his back. This is the upmost respect for Romulus, doing it whilst despising Christine in the process. Hora carrying them It is through these statements that we can clearly see the contrasting respect for Christine to Romulus. 14. ‘Pass auf mein lieber Fritz’ exemplifies the connection between Hora and Raimond. This represents Hora’s sense of responsibility and mark of respect to Romulus. â€Å"Our previously affectionate relationship,† shows a strong connection between the two. Although it changes slightly due to disciplinary action, he still is a ‘father figure’ and they find a feeling of belonging to each other. The use of a cliche â€Å"when I was sailing close to the wind,† emphasizes the belonging and respect that Raimond has for Hora, that he would never try to cross the border line.The relationship serves a purpose of showing belonging to each other but not belonging with place. Their close attachment through alienation, because they feel so left out, they form a close relationship with each other. The close bond between them is symbolic of him belonging to the family in replace of Romulus as a â€Å"step in father†. This close relationship is shown. * 15. Like most Europeans sets Romulus apart from Raimond because of the strong moral codes. The razor is important because it shows how strong Romulus’s moral code is. Raimond lied about steeling the razor.Romulus gets more ‘angry’ about him lying about it rather than steeling it as well. This shows the strength in his moral code and overreacts with a vicious beating of Raimond for a corruption in his character. We see the repetition or theme of character appearing in this part of the chapter. This focu s of character emphasizes the disconnection, difference and contrast between Romulus â€Å"like most Europeans† and Raimond. As Raimond didn’t see himself as European he feels the isolation and separation in pressure on strength of character.Romulus also feels disconnected as Raimond says retrospectively, â€Å"He feared that I would be like my mother. † This shows that Romulus feels Raimond is closer to his mother than him and could maybe belong better with her. The â€Å"cut throat razor† shows the difference in times as Romulus values the razor for its â€Å"craftsmanship† and aesthetic value. Raimond however, feels that it could be used to cut wood and doesn’t value it as much and therefore throws it in the river. This again shows the lack of belonging Raimond has to his fathers European background.Retrospectively he looks at them belonging to each other and he has utmost respect for his father even though at the time there is more tensi on and disconnection. â€Å"I knew my father valued truthfulness above most things,† This sets high moral codes which may have led to him not belonging due to the higher than normal standards and values set. Through this we can see Raimond and Romulus are separated through this strong moral code even though they may appear to belong. * 16. The relationship between father and son is strongly depicted through the Spartan description of Frogmore life.There is a change in language, the Spartan lifestyle shown by simple, banal and prosaic sort of language. This is a symbol of a beginning to belong to each other and possibly the environment. This contrasts with the next passage, which is crammed with rich and emotive language. This also shows a sense of connection and belonging to education and the belief in learning they posses. Romulus’ leg is mended and he is able to go back to his trade, being a blacksmith. This creates a sense of harmony. Romulus becomes connected, not with community but with his son, trade, past and background.Descriptive language highlights the new sense of belonging. â€Å"This was better than the poultry farming. †, â€Å"Classical hammer beaten iron work†, â€Å"Took such pride†, â€Å"crafted so superbly†, â€Å"copious amounts of fruit†. These use excessive adjectives, over description and exaggeration to create an appearance of harmony and peace to the reader. This helps the reader to become more attached to their relationship after times of adversity. This is a happy time for Romulus and therefore a happy time for his son. Present participles have an emotive effect all creating a sense of belonging between father and son.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Chapter study guide quiz

Articles of confederation These were documents that basically made the 13 colonies separated from KGB and established the US as a confederation Northwest ordinances This was an act of the confederation of the US that stated that the US would continue expansion towards the west Nationalist They preferred strong central government Goals of nationalists: To have their country united under THEIR nation's rule – not to be ruled by some foreign king, Like In many cases.To be able to maintain their own culture, with their win unique national values and customs and not have other cultures forced upon them. To speak their national language. To celebrate and honor their national artists and heroes, their special traditions and holidays, to show the pride of being (whatever nation they are). Instead of saying, â€Å"Oh, I'm from this and that kingdom of this and that king† people would say â€Å"l am French/Hungarian/lateral/whatever†, and be proud of who they are and Ident ify with their nationality, not allowing other nations to press on them and control them at least not without a fight and an attempt of resistance. ; A of yahoo answers Shays rebellion Farmers got mad at government for not passing stay laws Virginia plan Proposed by Randolph and made more open by James Madison Made the three branches of government to keep checks within the republican government to make sure no one had to fear that tyranny or abuse of power was possible 3/5 compromise The three fifths compromise made 3/5 slaves in to every states head count It was later added with this that slave trade would continue for 20 years This was very important to people in the southGeorge mason, a slave owner, spoke passionately about not keeping slaves Electoral college Electoral college were people ho voted on behalf of the state for the new president Came with rules for ties and other situation Constitution Was changed because it supported the rich and more high society people Revolution ary leaders apposed It too so It was changed Nationalists changed to the name federalists Which made the state governments strong The Judiciary act Tariff Bill of rights Hamilton' economic plan Whiskey rebellion The battle of fallen timbers George Washington's farewell address John Jays treaty James Madison

Tuesday, October 22, 2019

Affection for Larkin Essay Example

Affection for Larkin Essay Example Affection for Larkin Essay Affection for Larkin Essay This line can be related back to the last line of the first verse of Broadcast, where it has also talked about the attraction of the young ladys face.  I think of your face among all those faces.  The next two line talk about how the attractive girl had a beautiful face but he went out with her friend, the less attractive one.  If ever one had like hers:  But it was the friend I took out.  The first two lines of the second verse indicate that Larkin was building up a firm relationship with the less attractive girl: writing over four hundred letters in seven years. And in seven years after that  Wrote over four hundred letters.  However, they split up and, in the end, he got back their engagement ring.  Gave a ten-guinea ring  I got back in the end.  They still met each other but there was no sign of marriage because Larkin says that they met in cathedral cities unknown to the clergy. Clergymen are usually related to weddings. This line can be related back to the first line of the second verse of Broadcast, where it mentions the word devout. This shows that both the girl in the first poem and the less attractive girl in the second poem were religious, due to them meting in cathedral cities. After they had broken up Larkin met the beautiful girl twice and she thought he was pathetic because she was trying not to laugh at him when they were talking.  I met beautiful twice. She was trying  Both times (so I thought) not to laugh.  Their relationship did not get far because they separated really quickly.  Parting, after about five rehearsals.  This line can be related to two incidents in Broadcast. Firstly it can be related to the forth line of the third verse of Broadcast, where it say that the orchestra had parted from the stage on a strong chord and so did Larkin and the beautiful girl. This line can also be related to the first verse of Broadcast because it is talking about a concert and the orchestra of the concert need to have rehearsed and in this line of Wild Oats their relationship was broken after five rehearsals. The next couple of lines indicate that beautiful girl but she did not have any affection for Larkin.  That I was too selfish, withdraw,  And easily bored to love.  The next line show that Larkin adored the beautiful girl because he always after they broke up, kept two pictures of her in his wallet.  In my wallet are still two snaps  of bosomy rose with fur gloves on.  This line can be related back to the first poem because both, the girl in Broadcast, and the beautiful girl in Wild Oats had a pair of gloves.  The last line shows how unlucky Larkin was because neither of the relationships were successful.  Unlucky charms, perhaps. Summary  Reality and virtual reality seem to be two totally different things but they can be brought together with great similarity, as Larkin has done with these two poems.  Both these poems were written in the late nineteen sixties, early nineteen seventies due to the evidence, which is shown in both of them. In Broadcast it shows that before the concert: the national anthem of England was played. This was only done in that time period. Also Larkin said that the girls shoes were old fashioned. In Wild Oats it is written that they were still using Guineas as their currency, which proves that Wild Oats was also written in that time period. There could be a very strong link between these two poems because the girl in Broadcast and the less attractive girl in Wild Oats could actually be the same person because they are both religious and not very attractive.  I personally preferred Wild Oats because it lasted for a longer amount of time, whereas Broadcast lasted only for a few minutes. Another reason why I preferred Wild Oats was that there was a greater amount of action in the poem because it was not all based in one place.

Monday, October 21, 2019

What Athletes Need to Know About SAT Prep

What Athletes Need to Know About SAT Prep SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips Are you an athlete in high school? Then you know that you face challenges above and beyond everyone else: you need to attend practice and go to games; your schedule is already filled to the brink; and you still have to look out for athletic recruiters and scholarships! Here are some big SAT prep tips for athletes - some that apply to everyone but especially to athletes, and others that are athlete exclusive. 1. Are you a recruited athlete? Know your SAT score goal - it's different from everyone else's If you're aiming to be recruited by colleges, especially those that care about sports, then you don't have the same exact SAT target as everyone else. Why? Because colleges understand that being an athlete is difficult, and you don't have as much time to brush up. The rule of thumb is that achieving 80% of a school's median SAT score is sufficient pass their academic bar. For example, Harvard has a median SAT score that's around 1540. If you get a 1510, you're actually in a pretty good spot. This means that if you're already above this mark, you can study a bit less for the SAT - no need to go wild spending thousands of dollars on tutoring or hundreds of hours. What's a good way to study? Here at PrepScholar we measure your real score within the first two weeks. You know exactly where you stand, and then you can keep on prepping until you meet your goal. 2. Fit SAT Study around your athletic schedule Your main talent is in athletics, and you don't want your game to suffer because you're missing practices. A lot of SAT classes meet during prime practice time - right after school or for long periods during weekends. Given that, some great ways to study are ones that can be flexible to your schedule. If you study well from books, then this is a great way to study. Online test prep programs like PrepScholar work as well - you can sign in whenever and get the full training you need. Be careful - some online programs require you to schedule classes or have rigid sessions with live humans - that could put a damper in practice. 3. Get Started on SAT Prep As Soon as You Can You don't have the luxury of waiting until a week before the test to cram 40 hours into studying - you have to get started right now! If you're going too fast (less likely than you think), then just slow down before exam time. Your schedule is so busy that you need to spread your studying out to get all the time in. 4. Understand What College Coaches Care About College coaches want to make sure you have what it takes to pass muster in classes. They're afraid of their star quarterback being put on academic probation and not being able to make the big game. If your GPA is a little weak, you can use your SAT score to tell them that you've improved since freshman year, and you have what it takes to stay on the team. Thus, a good SAT score can make up for your GPA. Like the tips above? Get more in the Free SAT Guide:

Sunday, October 20, 2019

How to Conjugate Rêver (to Dream) in French

How to Conjugate Rà ªver (to Dream) in French When you want to say she is dreaming or we dreamed in French, youll use the verb  rà ªver. Its a simple word to commit to memory, though youll also need to know its conjugations in order to place it into the present or past tense. A quick lesson will introduce you to the essential forms of  rà ªver  youll need. The Basic Conjugations of  Rà ªver Rà ªver is a regular -er verb, which means that its among the easiest French verb conjugations youll find. This group contains the majority of the languages verbs and applies the same endings to each verb stem. That makes each new word you study just a little easier than the previous one. The stem (or radical) of  rà ªver  is  rà ªv-. Knowing that, you can then use the chart to learn which ending needs to be applied to fit both the subject pronoun and the tense of your sentence. As an example,  je rà ªve  means I am dreaming and  nous rà ªverons  means we will dream. Present Future Imperfect je rve rverai rvais tu rves rveras rvais il rve rvera rvait nous rvons rverons rvions vous rvez rverez rviez ils rvent rveront rvaient The Present Participle of  Rà ªver Like all regular verbs, rà ªvers  present participle  is formed with an -ant  ending. This produces the word  rà ªvant, which may also become a noun or adjective in some situations. Rà ªver  in the Compound Past Tense The  passà © composà ©Ã‚  is a common compound past tense that uses the  past participle  rà ªvà ©Ã‚  to indicate that the act of dreaming has already happened. To form it, you will also need the  auxiliary verb avoir, which needs to be conjugated into the subjects present tense. This will result in short phrases such as  jai rà ªvà ©Ã‚  for I dreamt and  nous avons rà ªvà ©Ã‚  for we dreamt. More Simple Conjugations of  Rà ªver Among the other simple conjugations youll want to memorize for rà ªver are the subjunctive and the conditional. The former says the dreaming may or may not happen while the latter says its dependent on something else. If you do much reading or writing in French,  the passà © simple  and  the imperfect subjunctive  are definitely good to know. These are formal literary tenses that youll want to at least be able to recognize. Subjunctive Conditional Pass Simple Imperfect Subjunctive je rve rverais rvai rvasse tu rves rverais rvas rvasses il rve rverait rva rvt nous rvions rverions rvmes rvassions vous rviez rveriez rvtes rvassiez ils rvent rveraient rvrent rvassent The French imperative  is where all formality is dropped because its for quick and direct expressions. You also get to drop the subject pronoun when using it. Instead of  tu rà ªve, you can simplify it to  rà ªve. Imperative (tu) rve (nous) rvons (vous) rvez

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Ethical Theory of Karl Marx Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Ethical Theory of Karl Marx - Term Paper Example A significant portion of the great ethical theories developed by Karl Marx, were the reflection of the social environment, and were directly related to the manner in which the society functioned during those times (Truitt, 2005). The views of Marx with regard to ethics and morality have been an issue of debate among researchers and scholars alike, since a considerable period of time. Various researchers have debated Marx's preference for ethics, and have rejected the claims suggesting that he had no ethics or morality. In fact, he is known to have developed a scientific approach, which seeks to achieve the desired objectives in a morally neutral manner. However according to some others, he pioneered and conceived the idea of ethics based on his observations in the society. The same can be documented with the help of the following: "The ideas of the ruling class are in every epoch the ruling ideas: i.e., the class, which is the ruling material force of society, is, at the same time, i ts ruling intellectual force. The class that has the means of material production at its disposal has control at the same time over the means of mental production so that, thereby, generally speaking, the ideas of those who lack the means of material production are subject to it. The ruling ideas are nothing more than the ideal expression of the dominant material relationships grasped as ideas". (Truitt, 2005, Pp. 42) According to some authors, Marxism is starkly different as compared to other socialist systems, which is highly synonymous with its anti-ethical approach. They believe that there is no mention or presence of ethics in his ideologies, and hence no form of ethical judgment (Tucker, 1971). The ethical ideology as proposed by Karl Marx has become obsolete today, due to the application of historical materialism in a socialist society. The laws governed by morality and ethics were introduced to resolve issues related to social antagonism, but at the same time retaining the b asic objectives through moral intimidation. The demands related to ethical doctrines, symbolizes the acknowledgment that the said perspectives do not lead to / encourage social antagonisms. Marx’s revolutionary ideologies with regard to philosophy overtly rejected the conventional normative philosophical ethics and at the same time, asserted the legacy of a constructive science (Hodges, 1962). Thus on the basis of the facts presented by several authors, it was claimed by many that Marx did not endorse ethics in his theories, as the basic element of ethics was missing in most of his works. Moreover, according to them the theories put forward by Marx, hardly reflected his preference to and attitude towards ethics and morality. This perspective was also challenged by several authors. They believed that the instances quoted by other authors to reject Marx’s attitude towards ethics and morality, and dismiss the same on those grounds, reflected a highly empiricist notion of science. However, it is highly doubtful to assume that Marx indeed in fact, endorse such a notion of science. In order to better understand the claims made by Marx, they could be studied in the light of those made by Hegel, with regard to science, since his views were largely influenced by those of the latter. Also, it was argued that Marx was not a scientist but a philosopher, and hence expecting him to be impartial and unflustered in his writings and observations would be a far-fetched idea. This claim could be

Friday, October 18, 2019

J.S. v. Blue Mountain School District and US v. Michael Anthony Essay

J.S. v. Blue Mountain School District and US v. Michael Anthony Marcavage, Appellant - Essay Example Michael Anthony Marcavage. The case was first filed in 2007 then the final decision took place in June 2010 in The Third Circuit. Michael Anthony filed an appeal against the Independence National Historical Park in Philadelphia. In the first case two students from Blue Mountain School District were suspended. They had created a fake profile of their principal on MySpace. The eighth standard students did not mention the principal, James McGonigle’s name on the profile but they included his picture which they took from the website of the school district. They also identified this profile of a person who is a ‘principal’. The profile also contained many negative comments about McGonigle and his family along with characterizing the principal as a sex-obsesses paedophile. The school had thus determined that the students had violated the discipline of the school by creating a fake profile. The school discipline prohibited any student of making negative accusations of an y staff members of the school. Thus, the students were suspended from school for ten days. J.S. was one of those students who sued McMonigle the school district and his superintendent in account of violating her rights from the First Amendment. She argued that she could not be punished for her out-of-school conduct or speech which did not cause any disruption for the classes or administration. It was ruled that any out-of-school speech which affects the school campus could be punishable, even if the effect does not cause substantial disruption as decided in Tinker’s case in 1969. However, J.S. then appealed to the United States Court of Appeals for the Third Circuit. The Third Circuit held that in the Tinker case it was applied that a student’s speech, whether out-of-school campus or in school campus, that causes harm or threatens the school or any member of the school district is punishable. J.S. was granted an en branc rehearing for her appeal. The en branc reversed the decision of the District Court and held that there was an exception to Tinker’s case that the school district could not punish students for their 0ff campus speeches that have not affected the educational mission of school. Thus it was concluded that the school district held no authority to punish the students for their off campus behaviour or speech. In the second case, Marcavage had started an anti-abortionist demonstration with about twenty other people along the sidewalk of the Independence National Historical Park. He had not applied for any permission for the demonstration. The place where he demonstrated was the only entrance and exit access to the Liberty Bell Centre. They positioned themselves outside the entrance hindering the entrance and exit to the Liberty Bell Centre. Alan Saperstein was the ranger of the Park and he approached Marcavage asking him to relocate from the entrance and exit access to the area near the Visitor Centre on Market Street. He also ask ed Marcavage to stop using his bullhorn. Despite the requests Marcavage refused to relocate and continued his demonstrations. Saperstein approached him again with Ian Crane on the telephone line who was the chief ranger of the Park and who had dealt with Marcavage before too. Marcavage was ordered to obey Saperstein and relocate but he refused. Saperstein came several times and received negative responses from Marcavage who continued his demonstrations so finally Saperstein came with some other rangers and physically restrained Marcavage by holding his hands at his back and marching him off the sidewalk. Marcavage was accused of violating the permit terms and interfering with the agency functions. He

Comparative criminal justice Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 2

Comparative criminal justice - Assignment Example The rulings of the lower courts can be appealed in the highest court –the Federal Court of Justice. The judges of local courts are tasked with hearing of prosecutions that lead to a sentence of not more than one year, whereas cases deemed to be more serious or leading to a sentence of up to three years, the local court judges are assisted by two lay judges who are equivalent of a jury in the common law system. Criminal cases which have sentences of more than three years are heard in a Land Court and presided over by three judges assisted by six lay judges. Cases such as genocide or treason, and appeals from lower courts are heard in a Land court of appeal, and are presided by a five judge bench. Japan’s criminal justice system, the penal code is based on the German model and are, therefore, very similar. The criminal procedure code guarantees the right of the accused and seems to be more accusatorial despite the fact that the judge is still allowed to question witnesses, and decide cases based on the evidence presented by both plaintiff and defendant. On the other hand, Saudis criminal justice system is based on the sharia, specifically the Hanbali school of Sunni Islam (Fairchild and Dammer 65). This system gave prominence to the beliefs and sayings of Muhammad, the prophet and Islam traditions. Crimes such as homicide, adultery, theft, personal injury, and so on, are defined carefully with penalties prescribed for each. As opposed to the German model or the common law, crimes such as homicide are considered crimes against a person not society, and as such the state administers justice on its own liking. In fact, victim’s family or the victim has the right to prescribe punishment or grant clemency. As opposed to German and Japanese criminal justice system, the Saudi criminal justice systems are based on concepts that are

Thursday, October 17, 2019

Individual Reflection on Marketing Simulation Game Assignment - 1

Individual Reflection on Marketing Simulation Game - Assignment Example My part included taking care of the marketing plan to be able to evaluate and understand the market in which the company operates as well as its competitiveness in the industry. In this project, our main aim for my part of the project was to help us in assessing and understanding the competitiveness of MYPHONE Company. In addition, the simulation was also aimed at creating awareness about various resources such as finances, research and development, sales, as well as the costs for carrying out different marketing activities that were required by the company. The experience and the knowledge that were achieved from this simulation were intended to be used in sound decision making for the betterment of the growth of the company as far as its marketing sector is concerned. The simulation will also help to add more knowledge in the world of marketing in this company, which have not been realized. I was able to achieve the goals that this simulation intended to find out. This is because; the simulation looked both the internal and the external assessment of the company. Such analyses are very important in finding out which internal or external factors are responsible for the companys growth or barring the company from growing in the market. Such analyses were very helpful in unravelling what marketing strategies should be applied by the company to combat its unfavorable environmental factors and how the favorable factors can be turned into opportunities that can be exploited. MYPHONE was found to operate in a very competitive market. At least from the weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats of the company, it is easy to know the level of competitiveness of the company when compared to its competitors. It was easy to know the weaknesses of the company in order to make corresponding decisions and strategies that could be used to change the weaknesses into strengths. The strengths of the

Baroque art Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Baroque art - Essay Example Dutch art is insightful of the Protestant Reformation. Frans Hals was the foremost painter in the seventeenth century Haalem, a city in Dutch whose affluence developed from brewing beer and making extravagance fabrics. Even though Hals painted various scenes of every day’s life, he was essentially a portraitist. His outstanding group portraits of the public guards and administrators of helpful foundations, all of which are in the Netherlands, are particularly famous. To avoid flattery, Hals illustrated his sitters with a dynamic honesty that called for their strong, informal tastes. Winning political freedom from Spain in 1648 and the liberty to devotion in the new protestant belief, the Dutch Republic was as well immensely rich from overseas trade. Dutch burghers, even as they took considerable pride in material ownership, they were still socially traditional, most holding to a reserved and an uncomplicated lifestyle. Some of his paintings illustrated the various strata in th e society. By firm religious rule, the early Protestants dressed in only black and white outfits, despite the cost of the fabrics. Hals revolved the bare clothing to an advantage, making use of the neutral outfits to begin his sitters’ complexions beside light tan or dark gray environment. To evaluate Hals’ varying styles, it is useful to look carefully at fine points, like lace collars, that he handled in a different way during his progress. Two features of hands, separated by almost twenty years, indicate a development in Hals’ technique.

Wednesday, October 16, 2019

Individual Reflection on Marketing Simulation Game Assignment - 1

Individual Reflection on Marketing Simulation Game - Assignment Example My part included taking care of the marketing plan to be able to evaluate and understand the market in which the company operates as well as its competitiveness in the industry. In this project, our main aim for my part of the project was to help us in assessing and understanding the competitiveness of MYPHONE Company. In addition, the simulation was also aimed at creating awareness about various resources such as finances, research and development, sales, as well as the costs for carrying out different marketing activities that were required by the company. The experience and the knowledge that were achieved from this simulation were intended to be used in sound decision making for the betterment of the growth of the company as far as its marketing sector is concerned. The simulation will also help to add more knowledge in the world of marketing in this company, which have not been realized. I was able to achieve the goals that this simulation intended to find out. This is because; the simulation looked both the internal and the external assessment of the company. Such analyses are very important in finding out which internal or external factors are responsible for the companys growth or barring the company from growing in the market. Such analyses were very helpful in unravelling what marketing strategies should be applied by the company to combat its unfavorable environmental factors and how the favorable factors can be turned into opportunities that can be exploited. MYPHONE was found to operate in a very competitive market. At least from the weaknesses, strengths, opportunities and threats of the company, it is easy to know the level of competitiveness of the company when compared to its competitors. It was easy to know the weaknesses of the company in order to make corresponding decisions and strategies that could be used to change the weaknesses into strengths. The strengths of the

Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Research Question, Literature Review and Sample Essay

Research Question, Literature Review and Sample - Essay Example has been a number of reports and incidents that have been filed in the past where elders have been victims of crime and which have moved on to create a fear within them. The paper will provide a detailed literature review of the topic and will include statistical data and information that is available that pertain this topic. The literature review that has been discussed is a combination of the literature and theories that have been presented in the past along with the recent statistics that are available on the topic. This will be followed by the research questions and research hypothesis which form an essential part of the research. With age come a number of issues like the physical vulnerability and also lowered income which in turn leads to a high level of fear of crime. Various researches have been conducted in the past however no single definition has been developed for ‘fear of crime’. There have been a number of debates on the best and most effective way to measure crime. Elchardus, De Groof and Smits (2003), argue that although not much literature is available in terms of the fear of crime, however there are two main patterns that have been followed. These include, a rationalistic view and the other is a symbolic view. Donder, explain, â€Å"The rationalistic paradigm interprets fear as a consequence of risk and vulnerability with regard to crime and victimization. The symbolic paradigm interprets fear of crime as a consequence of more general feelings of vulnerability and dissatisfaction that become feelings of being threatened of crime and victimization† (Donder, Verte, & Mess elis, 2005). Over the years authors like Baumer and Skogan and Maxfield have divided the factors into three main fields. These include: It is evident that the above factors play a major role on the fear of crimes and leads to a number of issues among people across the world. The next sub section will deal with the relationship of elders and fear of crime. A number of

Monday, October 14, 2019

Carol Ann Duffys poetry Essay Example for Free

Carol Ann Duffys poetry Essay Delilah by Carol Ann Duffy has an undeniably sexual element running throughout an element which is highlighted by its suggestive language and presentation of gender roles between the characters Samson and Delilah. Many of Duffys poems have a similar element running through them such as in Salome, Little Red Riding Cap and Pygmalions Bride therefore it can be said that her poetry is mainly concerned with the politics of sex. However, Carol Ann Duffy states in an interview in 2005 that Delilah is not about sex but is a love poem exploring the nature of Samsons wish to become gentle, loving and tender. This would therefore suggest that the main concern of the poem is more to do with love, power and gender. There are several references to sex throughout the poem, however the most direct reference comes in the fourth stanza where Samson fucks Delilah. This is in stark contrast to his request in the third stanza only three lines above of wanting to learn how to care, or be gentle or loving or tender. Despite wanting to become gentle, Samson fucks Delilah rather than makes love to her, implying that his wish was only a half-hearted one i.e. a wish he only makes but not something he would act upon. He fuck(s her) again further shows this is not the first time Delilah has been fucked suggesting a repetitive nature of this act. Furthermore, Delilah allows herself to be fucked through Delilahs submission, Duffy could be making a statement that women can not break free from this subordinate role in sex. Samsons language is also sexually suggestive, possibly implying that a man can not have his libido driven out of him regardless of the situation. For example, in the second stanza Samson is boasting about his achievements which demonstrate his strength and fearlessness, however he is distracted by a sexually suggestive note, telling Delilah to put your hand here -. This continues in the third stanza; he asks for a cure for his inability to be gentle and in the following line proceeds to fuck her as though he believes the cure is in fucking her. The situation Samson opening up to Delilah about something personal- would usually be assumed to be free from anything conjuring violence however Samson fucks her anyway suggesting that regardless of the time or place, sex is something which remains rampant in a mans mind. On the other hand, it could be said that rather than sex, the main concern of the poem is with power distribution in this relationship. Whilst many would argue that Delilah was dominated by Samson in the poem due to the sex, in the end Delilah cut Samsons hair which biblically represented the demise of his strength. Cutting his hair in the poem may be symbolic of her dominating Samson as she has successfully seduced him and at his most vulnerable (during slumber) she has taken away his strength. This is also in sync with the biblical story in which Delilah disarms Samson and gives him up to the Philistines, ultimately dominating him. Sex is only a way by which Samson is pacified after which he goes to sleep and becomes soft, thus vulnerable. Furthermore, Delilah cuts Samsons hair with deliberate, passionate hands suggesting she enjoyed disarming him and stealing his power away from him. This is a reversal of the typical gender roles in literature and Delilahs passionate hands may be showing that Delilah enjoyed this. Furthermore, the idea that Delilah had to pacify Samson through sex suggests an element of power on Delilahs side as sex was a method through which she satisfied Samson and put him to sleep, leaving him vulnerable. Duffy may be making a statement through this that women can use their sexuality as a weapon to weaken men and thus overpower them. This interpretation is concerned with both sexual politics and power distribution demonstrating that Duffys poetry is not only concerned with the politics of sex.

Sunday, October 13, 2019

Nitric Oxide Synthase Impairment for Baroreflex Dysfunction

Nitric Oxide Synthase Impairment for Baroreflex Dysfunction Harmit Bindra Critical Appraisal: Impairment of Nitric Oxide Synthase but Not Heme Oxygenase Accounts for Baroreflex Dysfunction Caused by Chronic Nicotine in Female Rats Lay Abstract Introduction: The baroreflex or baroreceptor sensitivity is a physiological parameter that regulates changes in blood pressure. Baroreflex dysfunction is thought to contribute to many of the cardiovascular changes caused by chronic intake of nicotine. Nitric oxide (NO) and carbon monoxide (CO) can be synthesised in the endothelial cells by the action of nitric oxide synthase (NOS) and hemeoxygenase (HO), respectively. Inhibition of NOS and HO mediated pathways have been thought to cause reduction in baroreflex sensitivity similar to that of nicotine. This study targets these two pathways and their possible interactions in an attempt to reverse the deteriorating cardiovascular effects caused by nicotine. Methods: The sensitivity of baroreflex was determined by measuring changes in heart rate in response to changes in mean arterial pressure induced by sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and phenylephrine (PE). SNP and PE exert these cardiovascular changes by affecting the diameter of blood vessels. Six groups of conscious female rats were used (6-8 rats/group) to study the effect of NOS on the baroreflex dysfunction caused by nicotine. Rats were treated either with nicotine or saline solution for 2 weeks. Baroreflex curves using random doses of SNP and PE were obtained in conscious rats on day 14 after treating these rats with L-NAME (inhibitor of NOS), L-arginine (substrate of NOS) or saline solution for 15 minutes. In a second study, another group of 7 rats treated with nicotine was used to find out whether HO inhibition by zinc protoporphyrin (ZnPP) abolishes the baroreflex response provoked by L-arginine. Baroreflex sensitivity was measured after treating rats with L-arginine and ZnPP for 15 minutes. Finally, the effects of the inducer and inhibitor of HO, hemin and ZnPP respectively, were investigated on the baroreflex dysfunction. Results: Inhibition of NOS using L-NAME caused a similar reduction in the baroreflex response as nicotine. This effect could be reversed with L-arginine. No further reduction in baroreflex response was evident in rats treated with both nicotine and L-NAME. Interestingly, HO inhibitor led to no reduction in baroreflex response and did not reverse any changes in baroreflex activity caused by nicotine. This implies that there is no direct role of HO mediated pathways in the nicotinic-baroreflex activity. On the contrary, there was an increase in baroreflex activity when HO activity was facilitated. In conclusion, inhibition of NOS is responsible for reduction in baroreflex sensitivity caused by nicotine. Background information and rationale for carrying out the work Smoking cigarettes is one of the most well established causes of mortality in the world and it is well known for its devastating effects on the quality of life and the impact it has on the families, including their psychological, social and physical well being. The majority of the harmful cardiovascular effects of smoking arise from the use of nicotine. Chronic intake of nicotine has been shown to reduce baroreceptor reflexes by decreasing the responsiveness of stretch receptors in the carotid sinus together with arterial compliance (Ashworth-Preece et al., 1998; Giannattasio et al., 1994). Nitric oxide (NO) is highly reactive gas, synthesised via three isoforms of nitric oxide synthase, including endothelial nitric oxide (eNOS), neuronal nitric oxide (nNOS) and inducible nitric oxide (iNOS). NO has been involved in various physiological pathways. For instance, eNOS results in arterial vasodilation by causing relaxation of vascular smooth muscles (Prado et al., 2011). nNOS plays an important role in neuronal activity by serving as a neurotransmitter. iNOS is generated by the phagocytes to invade the bacteria as part of immune response. NO has an ability to diffuse through and act as an intracellular messenger. It has been implicated in strengthening the synapses (long term potentiation) in learning and cause NMDA induced neurotoxicity in Parkinson’s disease (Taqatqeh et al., 2009). In a study carried out using brainstem nuclei of rats, it was found that inhibiting NOS in the central nervous system reduced baroreflex activation (Lo et al., 1996). Carbon monoxide (CO) has long been considered to be a toxic gas due to its high affinity for haemoglobin over oxygen. Contrary to popular belief, our body cells can also synthesise CO via heme oxygenase (HO) an enzyme that results in the generation of CO by catalysing the conversion of heme to biliverdin (Abraham Kappas., 2008). It has been established that inhibition of CO formed by HO reduces reflex activity as well as bradycardic response provoked by glutamate in the nucleus of the solitary tract (Lin et al., 2004). Other studies have independently found that inhibition of HO induced CO increases blood pressure systemically (Zhang et al., 2001). Interestingly, there seem to be some sort of interaction going on between NO/NOS and CO/HO pathways (Li et al., 2009). Indeed, the endogenous effects of these two molecules are provoked by the activation of soluble guanylate cyclase and a further increase in the levels of cGMP (Tzeng., 2009). Although there is a crosslink between these pathways, it has not been researched whether interruption of these mediators alone or disruption in their mutual interaction is responsible for the baroreceptor dysfunction mediated by nicotine. Approaches to the question The study was split into two groups to evaluate the role of NO/NOS and CO/HO pathways in nicotine induced baroreflex depression. In a first study, six small groups of female rats, ranging from 6-8 in each group, were used to study the effect of NOS on the baroreflex dysfunction. Three of these groups were given intraperitoneal nicotine for 2 weeks using a dosage of 2mg/kg/day, whereas the remaining groups were treated with saline solution. These rats were cannulated intravascularly on day 12. Baroreflex curves using SNP and PE were obtained in conscious rats on day 14 after treating these rats with L-NAME, L-arginine or saline solution for 15 minutes. In a second study, another group of 7 rats treated with nicotine were used to find out whether HO inhibition by ZnPP abolishes the baroreflex response provoked by L-arginine. Baroreceptor sensitivity was measured after treating rats with L-arginine and ZnPP for 15 minutes. The sensitivity of baroreceptors was determined by measuring changes in heart rate in response to changes in mean arterial pressure induced by vasoactive drugs, such as sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and phenylephrine (PE). This was carried out using regression analysis. Randomised doses SNP and PE doses, ranging from 1 to 16 µg/kg, were injected intravenously to obtain a baroreflex curve. An index of baroreflex activity was found by expressing the slope of the regression line as beats/min/mmHg. In the final part of the study, the effects of the inducer and inhibitor of HO, hemin and ZnPP respectively, were investigated on the baroreceptor dysfunction induced by nicotine. This was done using 5 different groups (5-8 female rats/group) for a 2 weeks period in which baroreflex testing was carried out using hemin, ZnPP, hemin + L-NAME, hemin + ODQ (guanylate cyclase inhibitor), and CORM-2 (CO releasing agent). Two further control groups were used in which rats received saline solution for 2 weeks and the baroreflex readings were then taken post-treatment with hemin or CORM-2. To measure the activity of NOS and HO, rats were treated with nicotine or saline for 2 weeks in the presence or absence of hemin and their brainstem was dissected and freezed at -80C. Key Results and analysis Both nicotine and NOS/NO pathway inhibition produced a similar effect on baroreflex activity. Rats treated with nicotine showed reduced slopes in the baroreflex curves exhibited by PE and SNP in comparison to the saline treated rats, suggesting a reduced baroreflex response. In rats treated with nicotine, there was a decrease from 2.1 ±0.2 ms/mmHg to 1.1 ±0.2 ms/mmHg in the baroreflex sensitivity exhibited by the PE. A similar reduction from 0.9 ±0.1 ms/mmHg to 0.4 ±0.1 ms/mmHg was seen in the baroreflex sensitivity exhibited by SNP. These results were statistically significant (P In short summary, the study was quite clear in explaining the involvement of NO/NOS pathway in the reduction of baroreflex activity caused by nicotine. First of all, inhibiting NOS using L-NAME caused similar reduction in baroreflex response as nicotine. Secondly, this effect could be reversed with the substrate of NOS (L-arginine). Thirdly, having both nicotine and L-NAME did not cause any further reduction in baroreflex response. The inhibition of HO by ZnPP had no effect on the baroreflex sensitivity in nicotine treated rats, implying that there is no direct role of HO pathway in the nicotinic-baroreflex activity. Any decrease in baroreflex sensitivity by nicotine could be reversed with hemin as the curve deviated more towards saline treated rats. Interestingly, when rats were treated with L-NAME or with ODQ, the protective effect of hemin to reverse the reduction in baroreflex sensitivity was no longer evident. This suggested that the initial reduction in baroreflex response was probably due to an increased activity of NOS that was no longer seen when L-NAME was used. Indeed, the activity of HO and NOS was found to increase in the brainstem tissue of rats treated with nicotine in the presence of hemin. Together, these findings imply that NOS is a downstream pathway responsible for changes in baroreflex sensitivity and hemin is somehow feeding into this pathway and activating it to facilitate baroreflex resp onse. There was no reduction in baroreflex response caused by nicotine with carbon monoxide release agent (CORM-2). This is supporting the idea that reduced baroreflex response is possibly due to NOS activity and not related to CO. Likely impact of research outcome The results implicated NOS pathways to be responsible for the deteriorating effects of nicotine on baroreflex sensitivity. Although, the current study implicated NOS pathways as a downstream mechanism and HO acting at the upstream level, more work is needed to investigate the effects of CORM-2 and hemin and shed light on the cellular cascades responsible for bringing these changes on baroreflex sensitivity. Taking into consideration that the ultimate pathways involved in the baroreceptor dysfunction from this study is NOS related, activation of NOS could be an important therapeutic target in treating the deteriorating effects of nicotine on cardiovascular system, especially the baroreceptor dysfunction. However, it is too early to accept this claim as these results need to be replicated and clinical trials must be carried out before considering any changes in the clinical practice. Future work and conclusion At present, this study is unlikely to have any major impact on the development of therapeutic drugs. Except the possible involvement of NOS, the signalling cascades responsible for baroreflex dysfunction still remain unclear. Contrary to these findings, the same author previously reported that CO formed by HO attenuated the baroreflex sensitivity in the nucleus tractus solitarii of rats (Lo et al., 2000; Lo et al., 2006). The author has attempted to justify the possible variation between the two studies with the use of conscious rats in the current study and anesthetised rats in the previous study. In addition, the inhibitor of HO was injected directly into the medullary nucleus in the previous study as opposed to an intravenous injection in the current study. Although these changes may contribute to the differences in terms of accuracy and reliability of the results, they are unlikely to fully account for the involvement of CO mediated changes in baroreflex sensitivity. Therefore th ese experiments need to be replicated before considering any clinical trials. The whole brainstem was dissected to measure the activity of NOS. This may not accurately reflect the levels of NOS in the cardiovascular nuclei of medulla therefore the study can be extended to investigate this. The use of animal models to test baroreflex sensitivity and the pharmacological agents to counteract such changes may not work similarly in humans. Baroreflex sensitivity is blunted to different degrees with increasing age (huang et al., 2007) and this may have an effect on the appropriate dose required to show any therapeutic benefits. Finally there could be intrinsic pathways affecting the baroreflex response because autonomic control can be influenced by different variables including mood, alertness and mental activity. Therefore, any future studies must take these factors into consideration. Words 2069 References: Abraham NG, Kappas A.Pharmacological and clinical aspects of heme oxygenase.Pharmacol Rev. 2008 Mar;60(1):79-127. doi: 10.1124/pr.107.07104. Epub 2008 Mar 6. Review. Erratum in: Pharmacol Rev. 2008 Jun;60(2):242. Ashworth-Preece M, Jarrott B, Lawrence AJ (1998) Nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in the rat and primate nucleus tractus solitarius and on rat and human inferior vagal (nodose) ganglia: evidence from in vivo microdialysis and [125I] alpha-bungarotoxin autoradiography. Neuroscience 83: 1113–1122. Giannattasio C, Mangoni A, Stella ML, Carugo S, Grassi G, et al. (1994) Acute effects of smoking on radial artery compliance in humans. J Hypertension 12: 691–696. 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Saturday, October 12, 2019

The Importance of Light in A Streetcar Named Desire :: A Streetcar Named Desire Essays

This paper will discuss the use of light in the play, "A Streetcar Named Desire", by Tennessee Williams. Blanche’s relation to light is quite obvious because she tries to avoid bright light of any kind. Her reaction to light can be regarded as an attempt to hide her true nature as well as her vanishing beauty and youth. By hiding from the light, she tries to escape reality. She covers the naked light bulb with a Chinese paper lantern, saying, â€Å"I can’t stand a naked light bulb, any more than I can a rude remark or a vulgar action† (Sc.3 p. 2093). This remark shows that Blanche would rather hide behind polite phrases than accept truth and reality. The paper lantern is not very stable, though, and it can easily be destroyed, just like her illusions. In scene six, she takes Mitch home with her and says, â€Å"Let’s leave the lights off† (Sc.6 p. 2309). Blanche thinks of Mitch as a future husband, and therefore she does not want him to know her past or her true age, and the best way to hide her age is to stay out of bright light where he could possibly see her wrinkles and fading youth in her face. Later in that scene, Blanche tells Mitch about her husband Allan: â€Å"When I was sixteen, I made the discovery – love. All at once and much, much too completely. It was like you suddenly turned a blinding light on something that had always been half in shadow, that’s how it struck the world for me† (Sc. 6 p. 2113). In her past, light used to represent love, but now it represents something destructive for her. Allan’s suicide erases the light or love, and thus she now does not believe in it any longer and tries to escape from the light and therefore escape reality. When Mitch tears off the paper lantern in order to take a closer look at her in the bright light, â€Å"she utters a frightened gasp† (Sc. 9 p. 2125). Then she tells him, â€Å"I don’t want realism. I want magic! Yes, yes, magic! I try to give that to people. I misrepresent things to them. I don’t tell truth, I tell what ought to be truth.

Friday, October 11, 2019

Ecology and Wildlife Risk Evaluation Analysis Essay

This analysis of case studies from Los Alamos National Laboratory, and the case study to predict the effects of pesticides on aquatic systems and the waterfowl that uses them. Comparing the two processes of these case studies, along with analysis of the assessments. Describing the case study on the effects of pesticides in aquatic ecosystem, the risk assessment correlated to observed field studies and evaluate the importance of this type of correlation in general for all risk assessment efforts. Breaking down the ecological and social values in the assessments. Try to establish a value for the components in each case and how the risk assessment was determined. The process of defining ecological value in Los Alamos National Laboratory (LANL) from section 19. 5 took an approach to take a structured process to break down the value of the different species that are located at LANL. This was done to ensure that all relevant valued resources was used to come up with the endpoints, and provide the proper documentation to form a structured that was based on the resources. This process known as the general assessment endpoints (GAE) helped eliminate data that was not needed and helped provide the means of having data that was needed to follow through with the assessment, along with the values for each potential ecosystem that is based on potential exposure to the environmental stressors. The comparison of the two assessments take a different approach as the endpoints are staggering in the LANL case as the amount of species possess many possibilities to establish the relevant value of the endpoints that are needed to complete the assessment. By utilizing just the values that the stakeholders suggested in case study Los Alamos National Laboratory, the assessors focused on the immediate values on certain species the all as a hole eliminated the possibility of the lesser values in the case study. The aquatic workgroups began their efforts by discussing the basic problem addressed in a pesticide risk assessment and then began defining the sources of uncertainty for assessing effects and exposure. This technique of probabilistic assessment has helped in the reanalysis of the case study of pesticides on aquatic systems. Allowing assessors to look closer at the issues at hand relating to the organisms. The case from chapter 22 is based on a case study on how pesticides affect the impact on ecology. This assessment took a term of probabilistic assessment, and broke down the probability of evaluating the potential of direct effects on the duck population. The time frame that the pesticides are used to reduce grasshopper population is around the same time that the ducks are breeding, rear young and lay eggs. This is the concern for the use of pesticides in these pothole regions across America and Canada. This case study provides a reanalysis of the wildlife in the pothole regions. The use of probabilistic methods is entered into the process to characterize variability’s and the uncertainties of the effects on aquatic macro invertebrates from the pesticides that are released to control agricultural pest control. The assessment shows in the data that the results of the analysis are a way to relate the uncertainties of mortality in the ecosystem. Along with the damage that is done with the food source for the ducks. The pesticides case study applied a different risk assessment framework and hypothesizes to improve the final analysis process to cover all the grounds and bring attention the uncertainties of the damage that is being inflicted onto the water fowl and ducklings that are in the region during the time of treatments. The exposure levels are at a high during the treatment process. Thus setting up a risk assessment frame work allows the assessor to take the uncertainties to another level to determine the effects on the contamination faze of the treatment time frame. A conceptual framework was developed that incorporated characteristics of chemicals, agricultural landscapes, and aquatic ecosystems that interact to influence exposure. From this framework, the workgroups designed a tiered system for the risk assessment process in which the assessment progresses from a deterministic assessment to probabilistic assessments of increasing complexity. Each tier includes several experimental and analytical options that reduce uncertainty and provide more complete descriptions of the aquatic environment (Environmental Proection Agency, 2012). The risk assessment was to use the field data to include the uncertainties that eliminates any more future concerns with affecting the species during this process, along with the reduction of the mortality rate among the ducklings. The breakdown of the uncertainties was used for predicting the magnitude and probabilities of adverse effects to non target aquatic and terrestrial species resulting from the introduction of pesticides into their environment the probabilistic analysis used in the assessment provides quantification towards the uncertainties in the risk estimate. The risk assessment of the complex exposure to the pesticides provides methods to estimate the probability and impacts resulting from exposure, in this approach. In al it sheds light on the case study that certain elements and processes need to be changed in all phases of general risk assessment. The ecological and social values of concern in the first case study Los Alamos National Laboratory is the different array of possibilities that are presented in the amount of species that are involved, establishing a structured assessment to eliminate the less valued resources. The process is used to establish the most valued resources to help in setting management goals and endpoints to complete the assessment. The ecological and social values of concern in the case study on pesticide contamination are that there are so many aspects on how to eliminate the less informative data to complete the case study. The social value is to combine the stakeholders concerns and incorporate assessment managers and assessors input to implement valued endpoints to reach a conclusion and game plan to eliminate the risk that are on hand. The social values of these cases, points to preserving the regions that are treated, eliminating the harm to all organisms in the ecosystem that is contaminated by the pesticides. The social values are that these regions house many species and food sources, this assessment breaks down the damage that is being done and the damages that are effecting the ducks in the region. The ponds are watersheds that protect the habitats of many organism, thus having a healthy environment is needed to produce a healthy ecosystem. The ecological view is to preserve the regions from harm, allowing the pesticides to be used in a manner that the organisms are not affected by them. The value of the ecological components in the Los Alamos National Laboratory case study would be the principle values the functional integrity, biodiversity, and the energy dynamics and nutrient contents. By doing so the strongest of the species are chosen to be valued endpoints, so positive results come from the assessment. The trade off would be instilling sensitive species that could be extinct with the decision to use as a value endpoint when they are too sensitive to give a positive result. The value of the ecological components in the effects of pesticides on aquatic systems is that the uncertainties of the valued resources are eliminated and evaluated to have the best valued endpoint to work with in the case study. The tradeoffs relating to the wildlife and development is that the species if not grasshoppers that are at risk then it is the ducks that are present during treatment process. The contamination will alter either one of these species value in the ecosystem. The risk assessment in these cases is determined by compiling the concerns of all parties involved and eliminating the less valued uncertainties, to have valued data to come up with goals to meet all of the concerns. Risk assessment is a process where scientific information is used to address potential environmental risks associated with pesticide use. Good regulatory decisions depend on documented scientific research, an understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of the specific risk assessment, and sound professional judgment in drawing conclusions from compiled data. Risk assessments should clearly identify pertinent facts and any assumptions deemed necessary to accurately evaluate the pesticide (Environmental Proection Agency, 2012). The probabilistic analysis process can be improved in the chapter 22 case study by more research of the effects on the organisms involved, along with going in another direction on controlling the grasshopper’s presence in these pothole regions. Doing a process of elimination of what harms of being caused by the toxin. The analysis can be altered to focus on the main risk factors and once those issues are addressed then one can run another assessment and conclusion as you eliminate even more sensitive data from the finale analyst. The conclusion to the analysis of the case study helps break the process of implementing different type of risk assessments for different issues on hand. The need to eliminate the more sensitive values and collection of data is the key to performing an assessment to help the environment. Finding the valued endpoints and compelling enough data to eliminate the more sensitive resources, to come up with a positive and accurate decision in the long run.

Thursday, October 10, 2019

Defining the Humaniities Paper Essay

Humanities consist of humans and their ways of life starting from prehistoric to current cultural events. When one learns from past generations or civilizations one is better able to make wise decisions for the future. According to Georgia Humanities Council (2009-2013), â€Å"The humanities are stories passed from generation to generation to transmit culture. These stories are also known as our history, literature, laws, ethics, religion, philosophy, anthropology etc† (Why the Humanities Matter). This paper will be a discussion of humanities and give an insight of what humanities means as it is defined by various sources. I have chosen a cultural event from my life in which I will elaborate on to inform the reader of its importance in my own life and the culture around me. I will also show how this expression of culture and its relevant to what I know about the humanities, art, style, genius, and culture of the time period it represents. Last to be discussed is how the chosen expression of culture compares with other forms from the same time period. Humanities Defined  According to Humanities Council of Washington D. C. (n. d. ), † The Humanities are the disciplines that help us understand and define cultures, and human experience, including history, anthropology, literature, art history, ethics, philosophy and jurisprudence † (Humanities Council of Washington, D. C. – Functional Humanities). Humanities can help promote a culture or civilization’s heritage and history as well as its literature. Humanities also serve a vital role in community issues and help to promote one’s understanding of human values, traditions, issues faced by society. The term humanities according to The Congressional Act establishing the National Endowment for the Humanities includes the study as well as one’s interpretation of modern and classical languages, literature, linguistics, history, archeology, philosophy, ethics, religions, and the history, and theory of the arts (Humanities Council of Washington D. C. , n. d. ). Humanities cover a wide array of areas and time frames. Cajun Music I chose Cajun music because I have a rich cultural tie to Cajun music growing up around this musical type. I find Cajun music has a little bit of several types of music played because of its rhythms and lyrics. The first Cajun records came out in 1928, but it was not until the 1960s that the genre became well known beyond Louisiana (National Geographic Society, 1996-2012). Cajuns are known for their love of dancing, including two-stepping, and waltzing. Cajun songs with its deep emotion and rhythms that make an individual want to get up and dance goes hand-in-hand to tailor to these cultural inclinations. According to National Geographic Society (1996-2012), † Many of the songs have their origins in old Acadian and French songs, but Creole, Celtic, African, Anglo-Saxon and Amerindian influences were also picked up along the way † (Cajun Music). Many Cajun songs have lyrics in French-Acadian and include a fiddle and accordion, which gives the music its unique sound. My experiences with Cajun music stems from listening to my grandfather play the fiddle and sing in French. I was not always aware of what was said but by traditions and my culture I have learned to embrace the music and rich cultural beliefs my ancestors have laid out for me to learn from. How Cajun music tailors to my knowledge of humanities, art, style, genius, and culture of the time period it represents. When I evaluate what humanities means, I can better understand how Cajun music fits in because this type of music, which was once more localized to it its origins in Louisiana but now has a mass appeal and has become popular throughout North America and abroad. Humanities are about the arts and one’s culture. The style of modern day Cajun music displays its sounds anywhere from gospel, jazz, to rock-in-roll. Where it was once more primitive style of music and sung acapella, nowadays includes instruments, and a mixture between French and English wording. The genius of Cajun music originates from Cajun’s telling their story and intergrading their culture into the music. The cultural time period Cajun music represents would coincide with the movement from more classical music to rhythm and blues, rock-and roll, country, bluegrass, gospel, and jazz. Cajun music is a music transcending time and has evolved like all the previously mentioned styles of music. How Cajun music compares with other forms of culture from the same  time period. The evolution of Cajun music compares well to other styles of music but lack the use of technology instrumentally mostly. This type of music displays historic and modern day Cajun cultural beliefs and makes an individual want to dance. As in any art one’s location has much to do with it cultural styles. Conclusion Humanities are instrumental in understanding a civilization’s culture and learning from history to help an individual make wise decision for the future. Cajun music is the cultural even I chose because I have lived it all of my life, and it is part of my culture. References Georgia Humanities Council. (2009-2013). Georgia Humanities Council. Retrieved from http://www. georgiahumanities. org/about-us Humanities Council of Washington D. C.. (n. d. ). Defining the Humanities. Retrieved from http://www. wdchumanities. org/docs/defininghumanities. pdf National Geographic Society. (1996-2012). Nat Geo Music. Retrieved from http://worldmusic. nationalgeographic. com/view/page. basic/genre/content. genre/cajun_700.